
9 Deadline to request 2018 Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship application pack.

14   Deadline for Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme.

25 Lady Day – traditional quarter day for agricultural tenancies.


13 Deadline for 1st stage Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship applications.

30 Those in an NVZ must have recorded the livestock numbers kept on farm during the previous calendar year and calculated the amount of nitrogen they produced.

30 Deadline for Hedgerows and Boundaries Countryside Stewardship applications.


1 You must not carry out hedge or tree coppicing or hedge laying from this date.

15 Deadline for Basic Payment Scheme applications and for land and entitlement transfers.

31 Deadline to request application packs for Mid Tier Countryside Stewardship (inc. Lowland Grazing, Mixed Farming, Upland and Arable offers)

31 Deadline for initial application to RDPE Growth Programme grant.